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Science G5
Course data
Syllabus 2024-2025
Grade 5 Science Standards
Shark Tank Packet
5 August - 11 August
I Wish My Teacher Knew
All About Me activity
Grade 5 Science Readiness Test
12 August - 18 August
IXL: Properties of Objects (4th Grade), Properties of Materials (4th Grade), Properties of Materials (5th Grade)
Properties of Matter Color by Numbers
Properties of Matter Quiz
All About Me Activity
19 August - 25 August
IXL: D.3 Identifying Mixtures (FK8)
Mixtures and Solutions Worksheet
26 August - 1 September
Progress Learning Activity
Mixtures and Solutions Quiz
IXL: Identify and sort Solids, Liquids, and Gases (HZ8)
IXL: Change-of-State Diagrams: Solid, Liquid, and Gas (TLH)
2 September - 8 September
Homework- IXL: Comparing Physical and Chemical Changes (HW5) Due 09/15
Physical and Chemical Changes Quiz
Physical and Chemical Change Notes
9 September - 15 September
Physical and Chemical Changes Lab Activity
Homework: IXL- Interpret Ball and Stick Models (R7R) Due 9/22
Atoms Notes
16 September - 22 September
Atoms Quiz
Homework: IXL Match Chemical Formulas to ball-and-stick models (XWM) Due 9/29
Physical and Chemical Changes Color By Number
23 September - 29 September
Homework: IXL Energy Transformations (SUY) - Due 10/06
30 September - 6 October
Summer Workbook Extra Credit
7 October - 13 October
Homework: IXL Change-of-State Diagrams: Melting, Freezing, Vaporizing, and Condensing (FBL) - Due 10/20
Forms of Energy Pretest
Different Forms of Energy Virtual Lab
14 October - 20 October
Homework: IXL How are temperature and mass related to thermal energy? (KCV) - Due 10/27
Different Forms of Energy Quiz
Classwork: Forms of Energy Extend and Enrich Worksheet
Energy Causes Change Virtual Lab
21 October - 27 October
Charged Balloons Lab
Energy Causes Change Quiz
Homework: IXL Identify Magnets That Attract and Repel
Energy Causes Change Extend and Enrich Activity
28 October - 3 November
Shark Tank Task 1: Parent Form and Ideas Sheet DUE BY 11/06/2024
Homework IXL: Label Magnets That Attract and Repel (4C9) - Due 11/10
Energy Transformations Lab
The Many Uses of Energy Virtual Lab
Electrical Energy Quiz
4 November - 10 November
Electrical Energy Extend and Enrich Activity
Homework: IXL Electric Circuits (5UH) - Due 11/17
The Atomic Theory - Center Resource
Electricity Virtual Lab
11 November - 17 November
Shark Tank Task 2: Invention Title and Sketch DUE 11/20/2024
Electricity Quiz
Forms of Energy Unit Test
Homework: How does light travel and interact with matter? (ZTR)
25 November - 1 December
Extra Credit: IXLs MWJ, ZVP, and ZDF
Forms of Energy Vocabulary Packet
Homework- IXL: Brightness of the Sun and other stars (E2R)- Due 12/08
Galaxies Virtual Lab
2 December - 8 December
Shark Tank Final Project: Materials List, Time Log, Assessment Sheet, Presentation Board, and Invention - Due 12/11/2024
Shark Tank Final Project
International Fair
Homework: Identify the Planets of the Solar System (R85) - Due 12/15
Galaxy Quiz
16 December - 22 December
BrainPop Science: Planetary Motion
6 January - 12 January
Homework: IXL Earth's Rotation and Orbit (LEF) - Due 01/12
Inner and Outer Planets Extend and Enrich Activity
Inner and Outer Planets Quiz
13 January - 19 January
Homework: IXL Identify Phases of the Moon (4T6) - Due 01/20
Homework: IXL Analyze models of the Earth-Sun-Moon systems (8FB) - Due 01/20
Objects in our Solar System Extend/Enrich Activity
Planet Banner
20 January - 26 January
Objects in our Solar System Quiz
Space Unit Test
Homework: IXL Day and Night (S9N) - Due 01/26
Galaxies Extend and Enrich Activity
27 January - 2 February
The Water Cycle Virtual Lab
The Water Cycle Game Worksheet
Homework: IXL Label the Parts of The Water Cycle (FG2) - Due 02/02
The Water Cycle Quiz
3 February - 9 February
Homework: IXL Select the Parts of The Water Cycle (BND) - Due 02/09
Weather Tools Virtual Lab
Weather/Precipitation Quiz
10 February - 16 February
Homework: IXL What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate? (6DQ) - Due 02/13
Climate Zones of the United States Virtual Lab
Climate Quiz
17 February - 23 February
Homework: IXL Weather or Climate? Cite Text (6SX)- Due 02/23
Earth's Weather and Climate Unit Test
Skeletal/Muscular System Foldable
24 February - 2 March
Extra Credit: Precipitation Virtual Lab
STEM and Health Expo Extra Credit
Respiratory System Worksheet
Homework: IXL Body Systems: Perception and Motion (PJC) - Due 03/02
3 March - 8 March
IXL Heating, Cooling, and Changes of State (MVR)
IXL Conductors and Insulators (UZE)
IXL Weather and Climate Around the World (PJE)
Homework: IXL Body Systems: Circulation and Respiration (X9N) - Due 03/09
The Human Body Extend and Enrich Activity
The Human Body Quiz
10 March - 16 March
Animal Structures Hands-on Activity
Animal Structures Extend and Enrich Activity
Animal Structures Quiz
Homework: IXL Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles. and amphibians
17 March - 23 March
IXL: Human Organs and Their Functions (WRP) - Due 03/25
IXL: Use Data to Describe Climate (QZH) - Due 03/25
24 March - 30 March
Explore a Plant's Vascular System Lab
Plant Structures Extend and Enrich Activity
Plant Structures Quiz
Homework: IXL Identify Plant Parts and their Functions (BRE) - Due 03/30
31 March - 6 April
Living Things Unit Test
Butterfly Adaptations Project
Bird Beak Lab
Homework: IXL Animal Adaptations: Mouths, Beaks, and Necks (VEK) - Due 04/06
Plants and Adaptations Quiz
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06-Sixth Grade
05-Fifth Grade
03-Third Grade
Health Education
Computer Education
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Social Studies
Art - Visual Arts
Library Media
Music Education
World Languages
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All categories
06-Sixth Grade
05-Fifth Grade
03-Third Grade
Health Education
Computer Education
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Social Studies
Art - Visual Arts
Library Media
Music Education
World Languages
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Course info
Science G5
Sierra Santiso
Skill Level