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Lang Arts G5
Course data
Reading Log Copy
How to use Amira!
5th Grade Book Project
12 August - 18 August
Letter to the Teacher
19 August - 25 August
HW - IXL- (due 09/01) - Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? (DQC)
HW - Reading Log (week of 08/26)
CW - iReady (in class)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 1 Week 1
Module 1 Week 1 - Reading Skills and Vocabulary Notes
Classwork - Module 1 Week 1
26 August - 1 September
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 1 Week 2
Classwork - Module 1 Week 2
HW - iReady (due 09/08)
HW - IXL- (due 09/08) -Identify supporting details in informational texts (87Z)
HW - Reading Log (week of 09/03)
Notes for Module 1 Week 2
2 September - 8 September
Classwork - Module 1 Week 3
HW - IXL- (due 09/15) -Use the correct subject or verb (F5Q)
HW - iReady (due 09/15)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 1 Week 3
HW - Reading Log (week of 09/09)
9 September - 15 September
Classwork - Module 2 Week 1
HW - Reading Log (week of 09/16)
HW - IXL- (due 09/22) - Correct capitalization errors (R6Z)
HW - iReady (due 09/22)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 2 Week 1
16 September - 22 September
HW - IXL- (due 09/29) - Is the sentence simple or compound? (LJN)
HW - iReady (due 09/29)
HW - Reading Log (week of 09/23)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 2 Week 2
Classwork - Module 2 Week 2
23 September - 29 September
HW - iReady (due 10/06)
HW - IXL- (due 10/06) -Correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense (WDH)
HW - Reading Log (week of 09/29)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 2 Week 3
Classwork - Module 2 Week 3
Summer Workbook EXTRA CREDIT
30 September - 6 October
HW- iReady (due 10/13)
HW- IXL (due 10/13) - Identify the purpose of a text (QX6)
HW- Reading Log (week of 10/07)
7 October - 13 October
HW- iReady (due 10/20)
HW- Reading Log (week of 10/15)
HW- IXL (due 10/20) - Distinguish facts from opinions (7GS)
Classwork - Module 5 Week 1
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 5 Week 1
14 October - 20 October
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 5 Week 2
HW- iReady (due 10/27)
HW- Reading Log (week of 10/21)
HW- IXL (due 10/27) - Read drama (NXX)
Classwork - Module 5 Week 2
21 October - 27 October
HW- Reading Log (week of 10/28)
HW- iReady (due 11/02)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 5 Week 3
HW- IXL (due 11/02) - Use linking words in paragraphs (TEV)
Classwork - Module 5 Week 3
Module 5 Week 3 Worksheets
28 October - 3 November
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 7 Week 1
Classwork - Module 7 Week 1
HW- iReady (due 11/10)
HW- IXL (due 11/10) - Match causes and effects in informational texts (QTM) & Select and use text features (CVZ)
Module 7 Week 1 Worksheets
HW- Reading Log (week of 11/04)
Module 7 Textbook PDF
4 November - 10 November
Module 7 Week 2 Worksheets
HW- Reading Log (week of 11/11)
HW- iReady (due 11/17)
HW- IXL (due 11/17) - Read about history (5E5)
Classwork - Module 7 Week 2
ASSESSMENT GRADE - Completion of Whole Class Essay Plan
11 November - 17 November
HW- IXL (due 11/24) - Which sentence is more formal? (6BD)
HW- iReady (due 11/25)
HW- Reading Log (week of 11/18)
Oceans Essay - Due in class 12/26
International Festival Extra Credit
How to write an introduction
18 November - 24 November
Thanksgiving Break EXTRA CREDIT for Language Arts
25 November - 1 December
HW- Reading Log (week of 12/02)
HW- iReady (due 12/08)
Classwork - Module 6 Week 1
HW- IXL (due 12/08) - Determine the main idea of a passage (23G)
2 December - 8 December
HW- iReady (due 12/15)
HW- IXL (due 12/15) - Read about famous people (UE2)
HW- Reading Log (week of 12/09)
Classwork - Module 6 Week 2
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 6 Week 1
6 January - 12 January
HW- iReady (due 01/12)
HW- Reading Log (week of 01/07)
HW- IXL (due 01/12) - Choose the synonym (GVE) and Choose the antonym (6E3)
James Madison Essay - Class Practice
James Madison Final Essay - Due January 13
13 January - 19 January
Classwork - Module 8 Week 1
HW- IXL (due 01/19) - Identify elements of poetry (WDA)
HW- Reading Log (week of 01/13)
HW- iReady (due 01/19)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 8 Week 1
20 January - 26 January
Classwork - Theme Review
HW- iReady (due 01/26)
HW- IXL (due 01/26) -Draw inferences from a text ETU
HW- Reading Log (week of 01/20)
27 January - 2 February
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 8 Week 2
HW- Reading Log (week of 01/27)
HW- iReady (due 02/02)
HW- IXL (due 02/02) Read realistic fiction with illustrations YQT)
Classwork - Story Elements
3 February - 9 February
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 8 Week 3
HW- Reading Log (week of 02/03)
HW- iReady (due 02/09)
HW- IXL (due 02/09) Read poetry PCM
Classwork - Poetry
10 February - 16 February
Classwork - Module 10 week 1
HW- IXL (due 02/16) Choose reasons to support an opinion AQK
HW- iReady (due 02/16)
HW- Reading Log (week of 02/10)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 10 Week 1
17 February - 23 February
HW- Reading Log (week of 02/17)
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 10 Week 2
Classwork - Module 10 week 2
HW- IXL (due 02/23) Identify text structures ZC2
HW- iReady (due 02/23)
24 February - 2 March
Classwork - Module 10 week 3
ASSESSMENT - Weekly Assessment - Module 10 Week 3
HW- Reading Log (week of 02/24)
HW- IXL (due 03/02) Compare and contrast points of view (GV8)
HW- iReady (due 03/02)
3 March - 8 March
HW- Reading Log (week of 03/03)
HW- iReady (due 03/09)
HW- IXL (due 03/09) IXL: Determine the central idea of a passage (VPY)
AR Goals due March 7
Quarter 3 Extra Credit - IXL Skill Plan (Due March 3)
10 March - 16 March
HW- iReady (due 03/16)
HW- Reading Log (week of 03/10)
HW- IXL (due 03/16) IXL: Use key details to determine the main idea (DTM)
SUBMIT HERE! ESSAY - "How I Stay Safe All Day"
CLASSWORK - "How I Stay Safe All Day"
24 March - 30 March
HW- Reading Log (week of 03/25)
HW- iReady (due 03/30)
HW- IXL (due 03/30) IXL: Use linking words to complete a passage (EBL)
5th Grade Book Project (Due 03/25)
Classwork Essay - Challenger Disaster
14 April - 20 April
CLASSWORK - 50% AR GOAL (Due April 18th)
Side panel
All categories
06-Sixth Grade
05-Fifth Grade
03-Third Grade
Health Education
Computer Education
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Social Studies
Art - Visual Arts
Library Media
Music Education
World Languages
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All categories
06-Sixth Grade
05-Fifth Grade
03-Third Grade
Health Education
Computer Education
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Social Studies
Art - Visual Arts
Library Media
Music Education
World Languages
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Course info
Lang Arts G5
Julie Condit
Skill Level