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Lang Arts G3
Course data
12 August - 18 August (week 1)
19 August - 25 August (week 2)
IXL Homework: Week of 8/18
Selection Quiz - Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match
Weekly Assessment (Module 1, Week 1) 9-23-24
Spelling Test
26 August - 1 September ( week 3)
Weekly Work Printouts: : Week of 8/26
IXL Homework Grade: Week of 8/26
Selection Quiz - Judy Moody, Mood Martian
Selection Quiz - Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
Spelling: VCe Spellings
2 September - 8 September (Week 4)
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 9/2
IXL Homework: Week of 9/2
Selection Quiz: Scaredy Squirrel
Spelling test: More Long a and Long e
9 September - 15 September (week 5)
IXL Homework: Week of 9/9
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 9/9
Weekly Work Printouts: : Week of 9/9
Selection Quiz: Dear Primo
Weekly Assessment (Module 2, Week 1) 9-13-24
Spelling Test: More Long o
16 September - 22 September (week 6)
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 9/16
IXL Homework: Week of 9/16
Weekly Work Printouts: : Week of 9/16
Selection Quiz: Adventure with Words
Selection Quiz: The Upside Down Boy
Weekly Assessment (Module 2, Week 2) 9-20-24
Spelling test: More Long i Spellings
23 September - 29 September (week 7)
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 9/23
IXL Homework: Week of 9/23
Weekly Work Printouts: : Week of 9/23
Selection Quiz: Dear Dragon
Weekly Assessment (Module 2, Week 3) 9-27-24
Module 2 Assessment
Spelling test: More Short and Long Vowels
30 September - 6 October (week 8)
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 9/30
IXL Homework: Week of 9/30
Weekly Work Printouts: : Week of 9/30
Selection Quiz: The U.S. Constitution
Weekly Assessment (Module 3, Week 1) 9-27-24
Spelling test: Three-Letter Blends
7 October - 13 October (week 9)
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 10/7
IXL Homework: Week of 10/7
Quarter 1 extra credit
7 October - 13 October
IXL Homework: Week of 10/14
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 10/14
Weekly Work Printouts: : Week of 10/7
Selection Quiz: The Flag Maker
Weekly Assessment (Module 3, Week 2) 10-14-24
Selection Quiz: Why We Celebrate the Fourth of July
Spelling test: Words with /j/, /k/, and /kw/
14 October - 20 October
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 10/21
IXL Homework: Week of 10/21
Spelling test: Silent Consonants
Selection Quiz: Why is the Statue of Liberty Green?
Weekly Assessment (Module 3, week3) 10-25-24
Module 3 class discussion
21 October - 27 October
IXL Homework: Week of 10/28
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 10/28
Module 3 assessment
Country Reserch
Journey on a Patriotic Path
28 October - 3 November
IXL Homework: Week of 11/4
i-Ready Reading Homework: Week of 11/4
Selection Quiz: The Saga of Pecos Bill
Sybil Ludington
Music Festival at Woodson
Weekly Assessment Weekly Assessment (Module 4, Week 1) 11-28-24
Spelling Test
4 November - 10 November
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 11/11
IXL Homework: Week of 11/11
AR mid quarter goal (2nd quarter)
Spelling test
Weekly Assessment Weekly Assessment (Module 4, Week 2)
Selection Quiz: The Traveling Trio
Selection Quiz: Gigi and the Wishing Ring
Extra Credit Quarter 2
11 November - 17 November
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 11/18
IXL Homework: Week of 11/18
Spelling test
Selection Quiz: Two bear Cubs
Weekly Assessment Weekly Assessment (Module 4, Week 3)
18 November - 24 November
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 11/25
IXL Homework: Week of 11/25
Vocabulary skills
Module 4 assessment
25 November - 1 December
Module 5 spelling
IXL Homework: Week of 12/2
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 12/2
Weekly printouts: Week of 12/2
Selection Quiz: Soccer Shootout
Weekly Assessment (Module 5, Week 1) 12-6-24
IXL weekly quiz : Module 5, week 1
Spelling test: /oi/ Sound
2 December - 8 December
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 12/2
Module 5 spelling
IXL weekly quiz : Module 5, week 2
Running Rivals: selection Quiz
9 December - 15 December
IXL Homework: Week of 12/9
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 12/9
Weekly printouts: Week of 12/9
IXL weekly quiz : Module 5, week 3
Centers: week of 12/9
Selection Quiz: Brothers at Bat
Spelling test: Contractions
AR goal quarter 2
weekly assessment :Module 5, week 3
16 December - 22 December
Center: Week of 12/16
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 12/16
IXL Homework: Week of 12/16
23 December - 29 December
30 December - 5 January
6 January - 12 January
IXL Bingo Extra credit
IXL Homework: Week of 1/6
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 1/6
Centers: week of 1/6
Selection Quiz: This Is Your Life Cycle
IXL weekly quiz : Module 6, week 1
Weekly assessment: Module 6, week 1
spelling test: Vowel + /r/ Sounds
Spelling Resource
13 January - 19 January
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 1/13
IXL Homework: Week of 1/13
Centers: week of 1/13
Selection Quiz: The Nose Awards
IXL weekly assessment: Module 6, week 2
Weekly assessment: Module 6, week 2
Selection Quiz: Octopus Escapes Again
Vowel + /r/ Sound in nurse
Spelling Resource
20 January - 26 January
IXL Homework: Week of 1/20
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 1/20
Centers: week of 1/20
Describing Characters chart
Vowel + /r/ Sounds in air and fear
Spelling Resource
27 January - 2 February
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 1/27
IXL Homework: Week of 1/27
Centers: week of 1/27
Selection Quiz: T.J. The Siberian Tiger Cub
Module 6 assessment
Spelling Test: Homophones
Saturday Study Extra Credit
3 February - 9 February
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 2/3
IXL Homework: Week of 2/3
Centers: week of 2/3
Selection Quiz: Will Allen and the Growing Table
AR mid quarter goal (3rd quarter)
Weekly Assessment: Module 7, week 1
IXL weekly assessment: Module 7, week 1
spelling Test: Compound Words and Abbreviations
Spelling Resource Module 7
10 February - 16 February
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 2/10
IXL Homework: Week of 2/10
Centers: week of 2/10
Weekly Assessment: Module 7, week 2
IXL weekly assessment: Module 7, week 2
Selection Quiz: Energy Island
Spelling test: Irregular Plurals
Saturday studies 2/15
17 February - 23 February
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 2/17
IXL Homework: Week of 2/17
Centers: week of 2/17
Selection Quiz: The Storyteller’s Candle
IXL Weekly Assessment: Module 7, week 3
weekly assessment: Module 7, week 3
Spelling test: Words with "oo" sounds
Saturday Studies 2/22
24 February - 2 March
IXL Homework: Week of 2/24
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 2/24
Centers: week of 2/24
Weekly Assessment: Module 8, week1
IXL weekly assessment: Module 8, week 1
Selection Quiz: Timeless Thomas: How Thomas Edison Changed Our Lives
Spelling Test: Words with –ed and –ing
Saturday Studies 3/1
3 March - 8 March
IXL Homework: Week of 3/3
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 3/3
Centers: week of 3/3
IXL weekly assessment: Module 8, week 2
Selection Quiz: Rosie Revere, Engineer
Selection Quiz: A Bumpy Ride
Spelling Resources Module 8
Spelling Test: Prefixes re–, un– and Suffixes –less, –ness
Read Across America Week
AR goal quarter 3
Progress Learning Q3
Cereal Box book report
Saturday Studies 3/8
10 March - 16 March
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 3/10
IXL Homework: Week of 3/10
Selection Quiz: Edison’s Best Invention
Centers: week of 3/10
Weekly Assessment: Module 8, week 3
IXL weekly assessment: Module 8, week 3
Spelling test: Changing Final y to i
Spelling Resources Module 8
17 March - 23 March
24 March - 30 March
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 3/24
IXL Homework: Week of 3/24
Centers: week of 3/24
Selection Quiz: How Did that Get in My Lunchbox?
IXL weekly assessment: Module 9, week 1
Weekly Assessment: Module 9, week 1
Spelling test: Suffixes -ful, -ly, and -er
HMH Module 9 spelling packet
Saturday Studies 3/29
31 March - 6 April
Reading i-Ready Homework: Week of 3/31
IXL Homework: Week of 3/31
Centers: week of 3/31
Selection Quiz: Carrots: Farm to Fork
Selection Quiz: How Do You Raise a Raisin?
Weekly Assessment: Module 9, week 2
IXL weekly assessment: Module 9, week 2
Spelling Test: Words with ough, augh
Saturday Studies 4/5
7 April - 13 April
Selection Quiz: It’s Our Garden: From Seeds to Harvest in a School Garden
14 April - 20 April
21 April - 27 April
28 April - 4 May
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All categories
06-Sixth Grade
05-Fifth Grade
03-Third Grade
Health Education
Computer Education
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Social Studies
Art - Visual Arts
Library Media
Music Education
World Languages
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All categories
06-Sixth Grade
05-Fifth Grade
03-Third Grade
Health Education
Computer Education
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Social Studies
Art - Visual Arts
Library Media
Music Education
World Languages
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Course info
Lang Arts G3
Staci Fortun
Skill Level